OFFicyna's gallery

Gallery has been suspended for an indefinite period
Curators: OFFicium
The OFFicyna Association Gallery is a laboratory of production and presentation of the latest and syncretic art. The emphasis of the gallery is on new, unnamed and site specific phenomena. In addition to the recognized artists (Józef Robakowski, Marcin Berdyszak), there is a place for beginner masters here. The gallery’s profile strongly contributes to the fact, that m/s OFFicyna is the only entity in Szczecin that  defines today’s concept of art: from architecture, through painting and photography, to the organization of space and the art of ideas. Its constant element in a programme is so-called tag zone – a series of young artists’ presentations, recommended by the subsequent artists presented within the framework. Another important part of the gallery’s activity are the works created as a part of artists-in-residence project.